S.R.I. Classics 005
Marquis Classics MAR 445
September 8-10, 1991
Humbercrest United Church, Toronto
The Middle Ages
In cloister
1 - Las Huelgas Codex. Casta catholica (early 14th century)
2 - HILDEGARD von BINGEN: Ave generosa (c. 1170) [4:39]
3 - Wienhäuser Liederbuch. Puer nobis nascitur (14th century)
At court
4 - Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Reg. Ms 1490. Je vous pri
(late 13th century) [5:31]
5 - BnF Ms fr. 844. La Quarte Estampie Royal (13th century)
6 - Comtessa de DIA: A chantar (fl. late 12th century)
The Renaissance
Courtly and Popular Traditions
7 - Henry VIII's Manuscript. And I were a maiden (c. 1515)
8 - Robert JOHNSON: Defiled is my name (c. 1560) [4:59]
9 - John Sturt MS. John, com Kisse me Now (early 17th century)
10 - Thomas Wode's Partbooks. The Queine of Ingland's Paven
(1562-90) - The Lumley Books. Gallyard (late 16th century)
11 - Claudin de SERMISY: Jouissance vous donneray (1536)
12 - St. Thomas Wake (16th century) [5:16]
13 - A North Country Lass (17th century) [3:51]
14 - Jacob van EYCK: Doen Daphne d'over schoone maeght (1648)
Italian Virtuosity
15 - Maddalena CASULANA: Ridon or per le piagge – Amor per qual
cagion – Io d'odorate fronde (1570) [4:52]
16 - Luca MARENZIO: Mentre l'aura spirò (1582) [3:29]
17 - Barbara STROZZI: L'eraclito Amoroso (1651) [6:40]
18 - Francesca CACCINI: Excerpts from La liberazione di Ruggiero
Coro delle Piante incantate – Aria per pastore – Madrigale per fine
di tutta la festa [4:37]
The Toronto Consort
David Fallis
David Fallis • tenor, recorder, dumbec
Meredith Hall • soprano
Paul Jenkins • tenor
David Klausner • recorder, renaissance flute, bass
Alison Mackay • vielle, viola da gamba, mezzo-soprano, recorder
Terry McKenna • lutes
Alison Melville • recorder
John Pepper • bass
Laura Pudwell • mezzo-soprano