Pražští Madrigalisté, Miroslav Venhoda · Svatopluk Jányš
Prague Madrigal Singers · Die Prager Madrigalisten

Antonín FILS. Missa Solemnis · Christmas Carols of European Nations
supraphon, 1963

Christmas Carols. Christmas Carols of European Nations · Czech Christmas Carols
supraphon, 1964

Rorate - Czech Advent Chants. Czech Traditional Advent Chants of the 16th century
supraphon, 1966

Christmas Carols of Old Europe
supraphon, 1969

Christmas Carols of European Nations
supraphon, 1963, 1964, 1969

Motetten und Madrigale der Renaissance. JOSQUIN · Cipriano de RORE / Musica Antiqua, Wien
intercord, 1975
Claudio MONTEVERDI. Madrigali amorosi & guerrieri / Musica Antiqua, Wien
intercord, 1975

Antologie české hudby
divadelní ústav praha, 2004