Jubilatores — Great Moments in the Middle Ages

[15.7.2017  9:14 GMT+1]

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Great Moments in the Middle Ages
    Jubilatores - Barry Ebersole
    Jubilatores jub-005 [CD]
Rel. 1999


    Del sieu tort farai esmenda (Peirol)
    Del sieu tort farai esmenda (drum solo)
    Mit Ganzin Willen (early 15th Cent. Germany)
    Robin and Marion
    Schiarzula (Italian dance) Schiarazula
    Lamento di Tristano / Rotta (Italy, c. 1300)
    Ich was ein chint so wolgetan (Carmina Burana 185)
    M'saddad (13th Cent. Moorish Spain)
    My Lady carry's Dompe (16th Cent.)
    Madre de Deus ora por nos (Las Fiestas de Santa Maria #12) CSM 422
    Non sofre Santa Maria (Cantigas de Santa Maria #159)
    Virgen Madre gloriosa (Das festas de loor de Santa Maria #2) CSM 412/340
    Des oge mais quer eu trobar (Cantigas de Santa Maria #1)
    Como poden per sas culpas (Cantigas de Santa Maria #166)

    Bache Bene vines (Carmina Burana #200) venies

Como no sean diferentes grabaciones/versiones,
parece que se repiten mucho.

Barry Ebersole — oud, medieval fyddle, guitarra latina, and percussion
Shoshannah Ebersole — soprano, medieval fyddle, bowed psaltry, percussion
David Nelson — baritone/countertenor, lute, bowed psaltry, harp, plucked psaltry, percussion
Kelsey Arnold — woodwinds
Robert Brett — percussion, strings
Teresa Brett — keyboards, psaltry
Michael B. Vercelli — percussion

(2795, 1293, 98, 1500102862, 205, 3098, '(+) Jubilatores - Great Moments in the Middle Ages', 'last' - 1517159032
[15.7.2017  9:14 GMT+1]