Ensemble Isengrin / Celtic Cantigas Orient-Occident XIIe-XIIIe siècles
[12.5.2017   20:24 GMT+2]
stay away; a lot of fun from a dynamic group but few interpretations
are very questionable, other are truly arrangements and the rest is
quite acceptable. Although they say in their introductory notes that the
modern interpret should be extremely careful about arabic influence,
arabic influence is pervasive in their interpretation.
bayardmusique.com |
(2495, 1182, 98, 1494613480, 3, 2495, '273. Ensemble Isengrin -
Musiques Croisées. Orient-Occident XIIe-XIIIe siècles', 'anaku'
[12.5.2017   20:24 GMT+2]